Saturday, October 20, 2012

Inside Google:Pictures Of secret data centers

Inside Google: Pictures Of Data Centers Released

Google opens up its previously secret data centers to reveal a multi-coloured maze of cables, computers - and ping pong tables.

Inside Google's campus network room, routers and switches allow their data centres to talk to each other. The fiber optic networks connecting Google's sites can run at speeds that are more than 200,000 times faster than a typical home Internet connection. The fibre cables run along the yellow cable trays near the ceiling.

Google's Council Bluffs data centre provides over 115,000 square feet of space. They make the best out of every inch, so people can use services like Search and YouTube in the most efficient way possible.

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Hovering above the floor in Council Bluffs, Iowa, the scale of Google's data centre there begins to take shape. Huge steel beams both support the structure and help distribute power.

Plastic curtains hang in a network room inside the centre. Cold air is served up through the floor, and the clear plastic barriers help keep the cold air in while keeping hot air out.

These colorful pipes are responsible for carrying water in and out of Google's Oregon data centre. The blue pipes supply cold water and the red pipes return the warm water back to be cooled

As part of Google's commitment to keeping their users' data safe, they destroy all failed drives, on site.

Insulated pipes like these have a U-bend so they can expand and contract as the fluid temperature inside the pipe changes.

Thousands of feet of pipe line the inside of our data centers. We paint them bright colors not only because it's fun, but also to designate which one is which. The bright pink pipe in this photo transfers water from the row of chillers (the green units on the left) to a outside cooling tower. +Back

Thousands of feet of pipe line the inside of the data centres. Google said "We paint them bright colors not only because it's fun, but also to designate which one is which". The bright pink pipe in this photo transfers water from the row of chillers (the green units on the left) to an outside cooling tower.

Blue LEDs on this row of servers tell Google operators that everything is running smoothly. LEDs are energy efficient, long lasting and bright

In case anything should happen to Google's data, they have it all backed up. One of the places they back up information is here in the tape library. Robotic arms (visible at the end of the aisle) assist in loading and unloading tapes when they need to be accessed.

This is a closer view of the backup tapes in the tape library. Each tape has a unique barcode so the robotic system can locate the right one.

Each of Google's server racks has four switches, connected by a different colored cable. The colours are kept the same throughout the data centre so they know which one to replace in case of failure.


Source : sky news,wiki,times

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