Friday, November 9, 2012

Peter Callesen’s Single Sheet Paper Sculpture

 Danish artist Peter Callesen creates three dimensional sculptures by folding a single sheet of paper. Each work is made by cutting a single sheet and using only the removed paper to create figures or buildings. These sheets can be as small as A4 size or as big as 7m by 5m.Callesen writes...

Minka Kelly in Hollywood

 Minka Kelly - went to Kings Rd Cafe to get some coffee before go to the Vote session in Hollywood 06 - Nov-12                                       &nb...

Gelmer Funicular & Handeck Bridge

Gelmer Funicular & Handeck Bridge in Switzerland. The Gelmer Funicular [Gelmerbahn] carries people from Handeck [at 1412m in the valley between Innerkirchen and the Grimselpass in Switzerland] to the Gelmersee lake at 1849m. It is claimed to be the steepest [106 degrees] funicular of its kind in...