This is the sort of view of heaven many will have in mind.
It’s almost impossible to distinguish in these dream-like landscapes where the sky ends and the ground begins.
And with the addition of a few figures praying and dancing, even a few cars rumbling through, they take on an outer-worldly feel.

Popular spot: Tourists have been visiting the area for years, and can stay in homes cut off from the
modern world

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Mirror image: This tourist visiting the South American region is reflected in the salt flats, which are
over 3,000m above sea level

Stunning: The salt flats themselves are 3,600m above sea level in the Andes - making it almost
possible, it seems, to reach up and touch the clouds from the ground
Mirror image: It is hard to tell where the lakes end and the clouds begin in this beautiful image

Power: The lithium in the area makes up half the world's supply and is used in batteries for mobile
phones and computers, as well as being a key element in electric cars
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